Top 5 countries where Pakistan gained talent from and lost to in 2015-2019 -
Countries where professional talent gained and lost between 2015-2019
Professional talent gained
List of countries where talent coming from based on LinkedIn location change. Check the methodology & calculation in FAQ
Rank | Countries | Net Change |
Professional talent lost
List of Countries where talent migrated to based on LinkedIn location change. Check the methodology & calculation in FAQ
Rank | Countries | Net Change |
Skill being gained
The net gain or loss of members from another country with a given skill divided by the number of LinkedIn members with that skill in the target (or selected) country, multiplied by 10,000.
Rank | Skills Name | Net Change | Top country gaining | Top country losing |
Skills being lost
The net gain or loss of members from another country with a given skill divided by the number of LinkedIn members with that skill in the target (or selected) country, multiplied by 10,000.
Rank | Skill name | Net Change | Top country gaining | Top country losing |
*Source: World Bank Digital Development Data curated from LinkedIn 2015-2019
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